
to the

Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network of

Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.

The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (PWPN) is an official Pontifical work, entrusted to the Jesuits (Society of Jesus). Its International Directorate is in the Vatican City State and each country where it operates has a National Director or Coordinator whose appointment is consigned by the International Directorate Office in Rome. So, this Pontifical Mission operates with the collaboration of the Episcopal Conference in each country.

Fr Frederic Fronos SJ, the International Director of the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network, Vatican Office has entrusted the Society of Jesus of Malaysia-Singapore (MAS) to look into these three nations (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei) as its regional Prayer Network focus.

Conversation Hour is part of the PWPN initiative derived from the Ignatian Spiritual Conversation model. 

The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (formerly known as Apostleship of Prayer), is the largest prayer-group in the Catholic church, and was recreated to encourage prayer and action for the challenges facing humanity and the mission of the Church, as expressed in the Pope’s monthly prayer intentions.

Its history goes back as far as 1866 when the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, Cardinal Innocenzo Ferrieri, approved the first statutes on July 27, 1866. They detail that the Apostleship of Prayer is an organisation at the service of the Pope.

During his papacy, Pope St. John Paul II loved the Prayer Network, calling it “a precious treasure from the Pope’s heart and the Heart of Christ”.

Become an Apostle of Prayer by praying each day with the Pope for the concerns in his heart, together with millions all around the world. It’s the Pope’s personal prayer group!

Our way of mobilising this prayer into action is by adopting the “Way of the Heart”, a mission of compassion for the world that anyone can join. We seek to form our hearts to be like Christ’s heart, full of compassion for all creation.

You can begin by committing to praying three moments in a day. The first moment, each morning we offer our day and our life to Christ, then the second moment in the afternoon we pause to check our bearings. Finally, in the third moment at night, we examine our accomplished day and ask for the grace to face tomorrow. (Download the Click To Pray app)

We hope our website will benefit your prayer life and connect you to praying in one heart with the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Browse through our site to learn more about the various ways we do this.

Join us and spread the good news!

Fr Alberto I David, SJ

Regional Coordinator of The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei.