
to the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network

of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.

The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (PWPN) is an official Pontifical work, entrusted to the Jesuits (Society of Jesus). Its International Directorate is in the Vatican City State, and each country where it operates has a National Director or Coordinator. Fr Frederic Fronos SJ, the International Director of PWPN (Vatican Office) has entrusted the Society of Jesus of Malaysia-Singapore (MAS) to look into these three nations (Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei) as its regional Prayer Network focus.

Conversation Hour is part of the Malaysian PWPN initiative derived from the Ignatian Spiritual Conversation model. 

Conversation Hour

Pope's Monthly Prayer Intention Video

July 2024

For the Pastoral Care of the Sick

Let us pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick grant the Lord's strength to those who receive it and to their loved ones and that it may become for everyone an ever more visible sign of compassion and hope.

July 2024

This July, our Conversation Hour explores the meaningful work of ministering to those facing health challenges. Join our guests: Fr. Larry Tan SJ, Fr. Alex Chelvam and Gloria Tan, full-time Pastoral Carer. Listen to their reflections on providing comfort and spiritual support to the sick - a gentle look at this important calling.

Click to Pray Blog

5 July 2024

The misunderstood sacrament

Pope Francis defines the sacrament of anointing as "one of the 'sacraments of healing,' of 'care,' which heals the spirit" and reiterates that its recipients are not only "those who are about to die," but in general the elderly and also people preparing to undergo delicate surgery.

Mei 2024 (Bahasa)

This Bahasa episode of Conversation Hour was recorded with guest panelist Fr Francis Lim SJ, the Regional Superior of the Society of Jesus (Malaysia-Singapore Region). 

The Pope’s Prayer Intentions

The Pope's monthly prayer intentions, chosen through a global discernment process, express his deep concerns for humanity and the Church's mission.